A.K. Smiley Public Library

The A.K. Smiley Public Library is a hub of learning, culture, and community involvement in Redlands, California. The library has been an integral part of the city’s identity for more than a century thanks to its rich history, charming architecture, and commitment to intellectual stimulation. The A.K. Smiley Library is more than just a collection of books; it promotes a love of learning, bridges generations, and offers a haven for individuals looking for inspiration, companionship, and the power of the written word.

A Learning Legacy

The Alfred Knight Smiley Public Library, so named after the philanthropist and Redlands’ founding father, was founded in 1894 with the goal of giving locals access to knowledge and the literary world. The library has always been dedicated to advancing education, continual learning, and the ability of books to change people’s lives.

The Romanesque and Moorish architectural fusion that makes up the library’s historic structure is evidence of the time’s commitment to academic and cultural advancement. It exudes a reverence for education and the pursuit of wisdom through its tall spires, elaborate stonework, and arched windows.

A Place for Books

The A.K. Smiley Library satisfies the interests of curious minds of all ages with a collection that covers a wide range of themes and genres. From historical documents to current bestsellers, classic literature to cutting-edge bestsellers, the library’s shelves are a veritable gold mine of knowledge and inspiration just waiting to be discovered.

The Heritage Room, a collection of local history and archives that offers a look into the past, is one of the library’s most beloved features. Visitors can interact with Redlands’ rich history by looking through old photos, manuscripts, and papers that chart the city’s development.

Cultural enrichment and Community Engagement

The A.K. Smiley Library serves as a center for cultural enrichment and community interaction in addition to being a place to check out books. The library is dedicated to creating relationships between locals and celebrating the vitality of Redlands’ diverse community, which is reflected in its programs, workshops, and events.

The library’s schedule is packed with events that spark intellectual curiosity and promote conversation, from author lectures and book groups to art exhibits and lecture series. These gatherings offer locals venues to interact with ideas, exchange viewpoints, and widen their views in a warm and welcoming setting.

a Place for Children’s Minds

Through its many youth programming, the A.K. Smiley Public Library is committed to fostering the minds of the future. The Children’s Room at the library is a lively place where young readers can experience the delights of reading, partake in creative pursuits, and go on imaginary adventures. A supportive and active learning atmosphere is facilitated via storytimes, art projects, and educational games.

The library’s dedication to education goes beyond its actual premises. It collaborates with neighborhood schools to support literacy initiatives and offer learning materials for pupils, ensuring that every child has the chance to fall in love with reading and education at a young age.

Keeping the Past Alive for Future Generations

The A.K. Smiley Library’s function as a steward of local history is among its most important accomplishments. The Heritage Room of the library is home to a sizable collection of papers, images, and records that trace the development of Redlands and its residents. The library is essential in ensuring that the legacy of the city is passed down to future generations since it preserves historical objects and makes them available to the general public.

The Heritage Room is a living resource that encourages historians, researchers, and everyone with an interest in the past to delve into the past, not just a collection of items. The library connects current citizens with their forebears through archive preservation, protecting local histories.

The Digital Era and Change

The A.K. Smiley Public Library has embraced technology while adhering to its mission in an era of digital revolution. The library’s dedication to giving convenient and accessible learning opportunities is shown in its online catalog, digital tools, and selection of electronic books. By doing this, it maintains its timeless devotion to knowledge and culture while staying relevant to the demands and desires of contemporary customers.

The virtual activities offered by the library, which have grown in significance as physical meeting spaces have become more scarce, are evidence of the institution’s adaptation. The library has been able to keep up its interaction with the community through online book groups, author interviews, and instructional webinars, displaying its resiliency and commitment to preserving relationships even in trying circumstances.

the feeling of belonging

The A.K. Smiley Library promotes a sense of community and pride among Redlands inhabitants by acting as a cultural focal point. It serves as a gathering spot for people from all walks of life to exchange ideas, consider various viewpoints, and celebrate the joy of reading. The friendly environment of the library and its dedication to diversity create a setting where everyone is welcomed to take part in the shared experience of learning, development, and enrichment.

The library welcomes everyone looking for information, companionship, or inspiration, whether they are little children attending storytime or elderly individuals attending a lecture. Its function as a hub of culture and learning strengthens Redlands’ social fabric by boosting the quality of life for all residents and the vibrancy of the neighborhood as a whole.

Viewing the Future

The A.K. Smiley Public Library’s strategy for the future includes keeping up innovation, involving the community, and preserving its historical history. The caretakers of the library are committed to preserving the character of its historic structure while adding contemporary conveniences to improve the experience of visitors. The library makes sure that its function as a light of information and culture stays relevant for future generations by adapting to changing technologies and community requirements.


The A.K. Smiley Public Library in Redlands, California, is more than just a collection of books; it’s also a haven for education, a center for civic involvement, and a timeless cultural asset. The library offers a place where people of all ages may discover new horizons, connect with others, and experience the limitless wonder of books thanks to its historic building, rich collections, and dedication to education. As locals and guests enter, they become a part of a heritage that honors the pursuit of knowledge and the ability of the printed word to change people’s lives and influence a community’s identity.

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